Monday, March 31, 2014

i want serious friends! poem by ojijo

(extracted from Fireplace Stories: Ojijo's Performance Poems. Poem .2012. ISBN.978-9966-123-17-6)

1.      i want serious friends

i want serious friends,
i want friends who i can be envious of,
i want friends who i can be jealous of,
i want friends who have gone to places i wish i went to,
friends who have seen thins I have only heard about,
friends who turn me green with envy,
friends who threaten me with their success,
make me to wake up early, work harder, and sleep late,
i want friends who are better than me,


i want performing friends,
friends who are winning awards,
friends, who are achieving feats,
friends who are attending international conferences...
and speaking at fellowships and seminars,
friends who have degrees and masters...
and certificates and diplomas,
friends who will motivate me,
i want trendsetting friends,


i want focused friends,
friends who run ngos and cbos,
businesses and enterprises,
foundations and trusts,
friends who head departments and agencies,
i want friends who are team leaders and chiefs of party,
friends who will inspire me,
i want serious friends,


i want serious friends,
i want friends who make me at once envious and proud.,
i want friends who make me die with desire and want,
i want friends who make me boil with rage at my underachievement,
friends who will challenge me,
i want serious friends,


you are not a serious friend!



-Ojijo is a bestselling author of 29 books, ICT lawyer, law firm management expert, performance poet, armature pianist, public speaker and coach on financial literacy, investment clubs and personal branding, luo culture specialist, consultant on business systems, feasibility studies, financial projections and business profiles.

Mobile: +256 776 100059 Email:

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

timbe maricho! poem by Ojijo

(to be performed in the background of clips showing the actions)
dhok madung’,
sianda molil,
gwodo olund,
gwonyo mand,
wang’ marakwaro,
kogno moloth,
youth madung’,
lak motow,
ich marach, makwar,
tiend mineme,
wij nyuogo,
kuodho a ot,
layo e laro,
wang’ marore,
diyo mon,
ng’ado ne nyithi sikul,
rwoyo busaa,
madho chang’aa,
rundruok e yoo,
paro matin,
wich marongo to gwom,
timbe maricho!

Samson Ohmundu Uhmundu . poem on HIV/AIDS by Ojijo

Ojijo, performing his poetry piece, "Ohmundu Uhmundu-On HIV/AIDS, at Uganda National Museum, June, 3Rd , 2012) from his poetry book, FirePlace Stories: Ojijo's Performance Poems & Quotes.

1.      samson ohmundu uhmundu!

story time! story time! story time!
tell us, tell us the story!
story time! story time! story time!
teller, tell us the story!
along long long time ago...a very long time ago (of course not longer than your trousers)
along time ago,
in the lands far beyond sight,
across the plains,
up the hills,
and down the valleys,
along time ago,
in the land of chicken,
in the land of maize,
in the land of big biceps and bigger triceps,
there lived a man,
there lived a man called samson ohmundu uhmundu alias omosafisafi,
samson ohmundu uhmundu was a man writer,
ohh yes! he loved to write,
he could write and write and write,
and every time he wrote he would sing,
ndikore manade ndikore manade yawa jowa,
ndikore manade ndikore manade ndikore manade yawayawa,
and then,
he would sing again
ndikore manade ndikore manade yawa jowa,
ndikore manade ndikore manade ndikore manade yawayawa,
and he could write in all books,
he was talented, samson
he could write in any open book,
he could even write in half open books,
and even the closed books, he would write on them,
and all the time,
he would sing,
ndikore manade ndikore manade yawa jowa,
ndikore manade ndikore manade ndikore manade yawayawa,
and so it came to pass,
as days follow night,
and as pleasure follows sorrow,
that in his village, the young virulent men would go to the farm and to the hunt,
but their vixens and sexists would remain to take care of the home,
leaving only the naked children, running with bow legs and potbellied stomachs at home,
leaving only the old geezers,
and even older geezers,
and when they came back home.
they would find their books written on,
and they would ask,
who wrote on our books?
on our books, who wrote on?
who on our books wrote?
books? ours? wrote who?
and samson ohmundu, uhmundu alias omosafisafi would sing,
ndikore manade ndikore manade yawa jowa,
ndikore manade ndikore manade ndikore manade yawayawa,
and after many writings and many books being written on,
both open books and closed books,
both his books and others books,
the vilalgers sent him away,
samson was sent away,
to a far off town,
to boma, kapango,
the place of renting houses,
and when he was in the nyamburko, the vehicle,
he would gaze through the widnows,
and he would see books,
samson would see books on the road side,
books half open,
closed books,
books on bicycles,
books seated, books walking,
books books books,
books everywhere,
and he could bite his lips
and lick his lips,
and whistle in dismay,
and he would hum in his voice,
ndikore manade ndikore manade yawa jowa,
ndikore manade ndikore manade ndikore manade yawayawa,
and so with the thirst and hunger of writing,
and the memories and imaginations of his journey,
and with the appetite and greed of his nature,
and with the desire and race for his end,
when he reached his destination,
he asked for the main library
and when he got there,
when he got there,
the library,
the main library,
all that was heard was,
ndikore manade ndikore manade yawa jowa,
ndikore manade ndikore manade ndikore manade yawayawa,
and again,
ndikore manade ndikore manade yawa jowa,
ndikore manade ndikore manade ndikore manade yawayawa,
and yet again,
ndikore manade ndikore manade yawa jowa,
ndikore manade ndikore manade ndikore manade yawayawa,
there were no more books,
he had written in all the books,
and so,
since he could also write on the covers,
he decided to do something he has never done before,
and then,
ndikore manade ndikore manade yawa jowa,
ndikore manade ndikore manade ndikore manade yawayawa,
and then,
and then,
and then,
wololomama, wololomama,
wololomama, wololomama,
wololomama, wololomama,
samson ohmundu uhmundu alias omosafisafi!
the pen,
could not write anymore,
and so he shook it,
up and down.
and then he shook it,
sideways by sideways.
and then,
he shook it,
this was and that way.
but lo and behold,
the pen stopped writing,
and he refused,
he went on,
and on,
and on,
and when he went to the doctor,
he shook it the more,
and then,
it started writing,
it was writing,
but in red!

do not trust them! poem by Ojijo

(extracted from Fireplace Stories: Ojijo's Performance Poems. Poem .2012. ISBN.978-9966-123-17-6)

1.      do not trust them!

do not trust them, i warn you,
when they say you win, then know, you have lost,
when they say come in, know they want you to leave,
when they say welcome, they mean, where the hell are you going,
do not trust them,

do not dare trust them,
when they say “you are safe with us”, they have “got you”,
when they say “watch out”, they have already stabbed you,
when they say “it is your turn”, they have set you up,
do not trust them

do not trust them,
when they say eat with us, they have poisoned the food,
when they say, ride with us, there will be an accident,
when they say walk with us, you will slip and fall,
do not trust them,

do not trust them,
when they say we love you, they hate you,
when they say we hate you, they have always hated you,
when they call you, they want to exploit you,
do not trust them,

do not trust them,
their prayers are human sacrifices,
their blessings are curses,
helping them is digging your own grave,
lifting them will be your ultimate downfall,
do not trust them,

do not trust them,
they have glass eyes,
they have cold hearts,
and they have no blood,
they will eat your flesh, human flesh,
they will drink your blood, human blood,
do not trust them,

do not trust them,
do not trust any of them,
none of them should you trust,
all of them are not to be trusted,

do not trust them.

 (Ojijo is an ICT lawyer, author of 29 books, performance poet, armature pianist, luo culture expert, business feasibility study and financial projections consultant, public speaker and coach:, +256776100059)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

where were you? (Tribute to Lupita Nyongo, Oscar Award Winner) by Ojijo Ogillo

(extracted from Fireplace Stories: Ojijo's Performance Poems. Poem .2012. ISBN.978-9966-123-17-6)

1.      where were you?


you woman, sitting there, begging for emancipation,
you mother, standing there, petitioning for freedoms,
you girl, kneeling there, pleading for affirmative action,
you wife, sleeping there, crying for release,
where were you?


where were you when boudica fought the roman emperors in 60 ad, a woman of peansat birth,
where we you when rosa parks refused to walk to the back of that bus, a common woman,
where were you when kinjekitile mwenda led the men to revolt against british rule in kenyan coast, an illiterate woman,
where were you?


when mother teresa went to help the poor, were you washing your baby?
when benazir bbuto ran for office in pakistan, were you cooking tea?
when camila valejo was leading student protests in chile, were you reading for examinations?
when indira gadhi was the first woman prime minister in the whole world, were you painting your nails,
where were you?


why do you want to be helped, when joan of arc helped the french to defea the british,
why do you beg for assistance, when golda meir offered assistance to israel,
why do you cry for handouts, when mavia handed land and produce to her people in 400 bc,
why do you plead for gifts, when isabella of spain gifted africa to men twice her size,

when we think of zenobia threatening king cyrus, we wonder, where are you?
when we remember margaret thatcher ruling britain for ten years, we wonder, where are you?
when we watch wu zetian lead china s first female emeror in 614 ad, we ask, where are you?
when we remember the trung sisters leading vietnam, we shudder, where are you?

like cleopatra, using her charms and intellect to deliver egypt, let us not ask, stand up,
like tomyris, leading her tribe to victory, let us not fear, he strong,
like nzimga mbadde, queen of the matamba, let your men weat skirts, be brave,
like augn san su kyi of the mongols, do not despair, keep fighting,
like eleanor of acquitane, lead your men and prosper, do not falter,
let them not ask, where were you?


wake up and run after angela merkel, she leads europe, she was there,
quit begging to copy oprah winfrey, she stood up, she was there,
end pleading and follow dr. zuma, she leads africa, she was there,
stop crying and applaud lupita nyong’o, she knows everyone has a dream, she was there,
where were you?

 (Ojijo is an ICT lawyer, author of 31 books, performance poet, armature pianist, luo culture expert, business feasibility study and financial projections consultant, public speaker and coach:+256776100059)